Related Studies to Mouse Brain Atlas

Sleep Study

The Allen Institute partnered with SRI International to examine the effects of sleep deprivation and sleep state in mice. Approximately 200 genes were assayed in this study. The experimental conditions include:

Code Condition
SD Sleep-deprived for 6 hours (ZT0-ZT6)
SD-C Time of day control for sleep-deprivation (ZT6)
RS Recovery sleep (4 hours) following 6 hours of sleep deprivation (ZT6-ZT10)
RS-C Time of day control for recovery sleep (ZT10)
W Waking (ZT18)

To view the data in this study, select “Sleep” from the “Related Studies” drop-down menu in the banner.

To search for a gene, either select one of gene categories from the tag cloud, or type the gene name into the search box. As you begin to type, a list of suggestions will be displayed and you can select from the list of available genes. A list of relevant experiments will be displayed based on your search criteria.

Search Results

Results of your search will be displayed as a list of experiments based on the input search criteria. Each row includes the following information.

Column Description
Add the experiment to your selections by clicking the checkbox
Experiment Click the experiment number to view experimental detail page
Gene Symbol Click Gene Symbol to return experimental detail pages for all experiments using that gene
Gene Name Full gene name
Probe Name Unique identifier for the probe used in this experiment
Condition An abbreviation of the experimental condition (hover over the condition to see full description)
Expression Summary Thumbnail view of a histogram showing the expression energy across 12 major brain structures

Once you have selected experiments to view (by clicking the checkbox), click “View Selections” to explore the experimental images further.

Mouse Strains Study

The Mouse Strains Study (previously known as the Mouse Diversity Study) provides gene expression data from a select number of genes across seven different mouse strains and in adult female C57BL/6J mice, expanding upon the original Allen Mouse Brain Atlas.

To view data in this study, select “Mouse Strains” from the “Related Studies” drop-down menu in the banner.

To search this data, either click on the gene symbol in the tag cloud to bring up all the data related to that gene, or type in your gene (from the tag cloud) and filter your search by strain, gender and/or plane of sectioning and click “Search”.

Search Results

Results of your search will be displayed as a list of experiments based on the input search criteria. Each row includes the following information.

Column Description
Column Description
Add the experiment to your selections by clicking the checkbox
Experiment Click the experiment number to view experimental detail page
Gene Symbol Click Gene Symbol to return experimental detail pages for all experiments using that gene
Gene Name Full gene name
Sex Gender of the Mouse line, either M or F
Probe Name Unique identifier for the probe used in this experiment
Strain Strain of the mouse used in the experiment
Plane Plane of sectioning, either coronal or sagittal
Expression Summary Thumbnail view of a histogram showing the expression energy across 12 major brain structures

Selecting the “Show exact matches only” box will limit your search to exactly what you type in the Search box. If you select the “Update results when criteria change” box, clicking on the advanced search parameters will automatically update the experiments returned in your search results. Once you have selected experiments to view (by clicking the checkbox), click “View Selections” to explore the experimental images further.