Category | Topics |
TechnicalA place for technical questions about how to use the AllenSDK or website for programmatic access to data and tools.
ScienceA place for scientific questions and discussions about experimental methods, neuroscience, systems neurophysiology, sensory coding, behavior, or cell types of the brain.
Show & TellHave you done a cool analysis using a dataset? Written a blogpost or made a Github repo? Designed a course curriculum? Share it here! This is a place to show off, inform others and get feedback.
How ToFor introductory and explanatory documentation for users of software tools on websites.
Transcriptomics ExplorerA place for questions and discussions about the Transcriptomics Explorer, a web tool for researchers to explorer transcriptomics dataset in the context of cell types.
Cell TaxonomiesThe Allen Institute joins a wide community of researchers and analysts who seek to use measurable properties of individual cells to aid in biologically meaningful classification. Share your insights, suggestions and feedback on classification of cells in the mammalian brain.
Site FeedbackHave a suggestion about what would improve the Allen Brain Map site, data sets or any of its projects? Share those here.
OpenScopeWelcome to our dedicated hub for OpenScope proposal creation and discussions. This platform provides an open environment where community members can collaboratively develop and refine OpenScope project proposals.