How To
Ivy Glioblastoma Atlas Project This is the online help for the Ivy Glioblastoma Atlas Project web application. Brain Knowledge Platform The Brain Knowledge Platform is a data platform and website for researchers to access data, explore features and visualizations, and connect data to knowledge. This product is an active area of development for the Allen Institute for Brain Science, and new features are released regularly. Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas Allen Brain Cell (ABC) Atlas MapMyCells Reference Atlases This is the online help for the ALLEN Reference Atlases and the web-based tools that can be used to access them. The reference atlases are neuroanatomical guides to accompany Allen Institute data and are also useful as stand-alone resources. Allen Mouse Brain Atlas This is the online help for the ALLEN Mouse Brain Atlas web application. Allen Human Brain Atlas Aging, Dementia and Traumatic Brain Injury Project The Aging, Dementia and Traumatic Brain Injury Project is a detailed neuropathological, molecular and transcriptomic characterization of brains of control and TBI exposure cases from a unique, population-based aged cohort from the Adult Changes in Thought (ACT) study of aging and dementia. NIH Blueprint Non-Human Primate (NHP) Atlas This is the online help for the NIH Blueprint Non-Human Primate Atlas (NHP) web application. Allen Brain Observatory This is the online help for the Allen Brain Observatory - Visual Coding web application. Allen Brain Explorer Allen Brain Atlas API Brainspan Atlas of the Developing Human Brain Allen Cell Types Database Allen Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas