Differences between mouse and human brain data presentation

Hi, I try to compare the expression of alpha5GABA subunit in mouse and in human, but the presentation of data in the 2 species are different. In mouse it looks obvious, but in human the colourcode is confusing, and I do not see 3D options. Would someone tell me the way I should look human data? Thanks, Bert

Hi. Could you please clarify which mouse and which human resources you are looking at? We have several of each and the answer will depend on the resource.

If you are talking about the original mouse and human brain atlases, the reasons they look different is because the mouse brain atlas is done using sequential ISH sections, aligned to a common coordinate framework, and has cellular resolution data. The human data is collected using microarray, which has the resolution of a dissected chunk of tissue, and therefore you get a single value for a relatively large tissue area (hence the patchy 3D images).


so, Experiment Detail :: Allen Brain Atlas: Mouse Brain

and Microarray Gene Detail :: Allen Brain Atlas: Human Brain

So, I try to compare the data for alpha5GABA subunit presentation in the 2 species, but I cant read the human data? Green is the high density and dark red is the low or oposite? Can you help with it? thanks, Bert

In this case red is high expression and green is low expression, but you can change the color bar and units via the arrow (^) in the upper right of the images:

You can see the actual values underneath the images by clicking (“Selected Structure”) or hovering (“Structure”) over the image.

Excellent, and thanks. Bert