Genetic Tools Atlas: Reference documentation

Project Details page

Review the project metadata and linked resources in the SUMMARY tab.

You can expand the PROJECT DESCRIPTION by clicking on the MORE link.

Review the available data collections in the DATA COLLECTIONS tab.

Experiment/ specimen table

Open it by clicking on the BROWSE SPECIMENS button.

Review the default view of the Genetic Tools Atlas

Adjust the displayed columns by clicking on the GEAR icon.

Filter content by expanding the filter menu and check the boxes to apply desired filters.
We encourage starting with narrowing down results by the desired ROI or known enhancer or vector names.

Sort content by designating a column.
You can sort on multiple comments and select ascending or descending order for each entry.

Open Serial Two-Photon Tomography (STPT) or Epifluorescence (EPI) datasets in Neuroglancer
Click the VIEW button to open the experiment image in Neuroglancer. Note that you can also pre-filter for your desired image modality - STPT vs EPI.

Adjust color channels in Neuroglancer
Use the sliders to adjust the expression of the individual color channel. Use the color_visible check boxes to enable or disable channels.

Close and reopen the image to restore the default values.

Experiment/ specimen metadata download

Download the specimen metadata. The resulting download is a .zip archive.

1 Like

Hello Dr. Otto, thank you very much for sharing this tool. This is an extremely useful tools for me as I’m working on an understudied area and haven’t found many useful genetic tools to specifically label these neurons. My questions is for the enhancers that are not included in Addgene list, how we could get them to build our own vectors(for example AiE1223q)? Thx!

Hello @Shaohua_Wang,

Thank you for your kind words and interest in Genetic Tools Atlas and its featured enhancers.

We don’t yet have a process to make unpublished vectors or enhancers available to the community.

However, we’re planning to release more vectors and enhancers to Addgene over the coming months. I’d encourage you to check back in early 2025.

Thank you for your patience.