Why my post is not live in community feed?

Hello ,

I posted a query on this forum website after But now it is showing this error- “Oops! That page does not exist or is private.” After some time I got a notification that my Akismet has temporarily hidden your post. Could you please suggest me guidance why it is showing? :thinking:

Please check this=https://community.brain-map.org/t/akismet-has-temporarily-hidden-your-post/3623

Please live my post. I need a solution for this. I hope you understand my point. Please look into this matter; I am waiting your response as soon as possible.

Thank you

I see two posts from you (this and this). If there is another, please try again and then tag me with its title if it get blocks again. Sorry for the inconvenience! We have some automatic filters in place that are good, but sometimes make mistakes.