Are there examples of previously selected OpenScope projects?

Yes! Here is a list of previous projects that were selected. Those are either published or have dandiset released on DandiArchive. Each year, we selected 3-4 projects so this list will grow!

Openscope Publications: ​

Published datasets on Dandi Archive: ​

  • Allen Institute Openscope - Differential encoding of temporal context and expectation​
    DANDI Archive

  • Allen Institute Openscope - Effects of Periodic Visual Stimulation on Neural Activity in Mouse Visual Cortex​
    DANDI Archive

  • Allen Institute Openscope - Measuring Stimulus-Evoked Neurophysiological Differentiation in Distinct Populations of Neurons in Mouse Visual Cortex​
    DANDI Archive

  • Allen Institute Openscope - Responses to inconsistent stimuli in somata and distal apical dendrites in primary visual cortex​
    DANDI Archive