I’m trying to open visual-coding neuropixel .nwb files using both Python and Matlab using pynwb and matnwb. When I try and open the session .nwb files I get the following errors:
I’m new to using .nwb files but have managed to write and read an example .nwb file in python.
However, when I try and read in an example neuropixles session using the following code
import numpy as np
from pynwb import NWBHDF5IO
io = NWBHDF5IO('session_767871931.nwb', 'r')
nwbfile_in = io.read()
I get the following error:
ValueError: Column name ‘name’ is not allowed because it is already an attribute
After running the generateCore() function I run:
nwb = nwbRead('D:\AllenSDK\session_766640955\session_766640955.nwb')
And get the following error:
Error using types.util.checkUnset (line 13)
Properties {help} are not valid property names.
Error in types.core.TimeSeries (line 82)
types.util.checkUnset(obj, unique(varargin(1:2:end)));
Error in io.parseGroup (line 78)
parsed = eval([typename ‘(kwargs{:})’]);
Error in io.parseGroup (line 38)
subg = io.parseGroup(filename, group, Blacklist);
Error in io.parseGroup (line 38)
subg = io.parseGroup(filename, group, Blacklist);
Error in nwbRead (line 33)
nwb = io.parseGroup(filename, h5info(filename), Blacklist);
From this it looks like there is an issue with the formatting of the session .nwb files that prevents them from being opened to me. Is there anything obvious I’m missing?