Problems Downloading Mouse Brain Atlas Fiber Tract Data (ID: 156394513)

Dear Allen Brain Atlas team,

I am encountering three issues while attempting to download the mouse brain atlas fiber tract data (ID: 156394513) using an API. The issues are as follows:

  1. When using connection = urllib.request.urlopen(url) to try and access the server link, I frequently encounter HTTP Error 503 or 504, which causes the download process to be interrupted.
  2. When using connection = requests.get(url, verify=certifi.where()) to access the server link, I frequently get the error ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED], which causes the download process to terminate.
  3. After attempting multiple downloads of the JSON files and reconstructing the tracing streamlines, the visualization in MRtrix (as shown in the attached image) appears unrealistic, with too many streamlines. Could the issue be related to the download method? The download code is taken from this link.

Looking forward to your answer, thank you.
Zhikang Lu