Projection data in unionizes having 'is_injection' == True

Hi everyone,
let me explain my question: what is the meaning of parameters like “projection_volume” or “projection_density” for unionizes entries having ‘is_injection’ == True?
I understand what these values represent regarding projection_data, and I have read in the documentation that the funciont get_projection_matrix uses data for which ‘is_injection’ is False, but I can’t understand why these entries are also available for data having ‘is_injection’ == True.
Thanks for the help

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Hi Pietro,
Thanks for your interest. Can you please provide some additional context?
E.g., what dataset(s) and documentation are you referring to in your question?


For sure, forgive me. I am referring to the allesdk python package, to manipulate Allen mouse brain data. In particular, I am using the mouse connectivity cache function to retrieve the unionizes structures.
Hope that clarifies my question, thanks again.

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