Unit ID number correspondence between session-specific get_units() and dataset-wide get_unit_table()

I am trying to understand the dataset-wide metadata obtained using get_unit_table and session-specific metadata using get_units().

For the former I do the following:

units = cache.get_unit_table()

The pandas dataframe index column is “unit_id” and these correspond to unique identifiers for each unit in the dataset.

For the latter I do:

session_id = 1128719842
session = cache.get_ecephys_session(ecephys_session_id = session_id)
session_units = session.get_units(filter_by_validity=True)

Now, the session_units dataframe index column is “id” and also has unique identifiers. However, these values do not correspond to any “unit_id” index in the “units” dataframe of the dataset-wide metadata.

Have I fundamentally misunderstood something?

Thank you for your time.

Hi Rejwan,

You’re right that the index column for the session units table should return the same unique ids as the index column for the dataset-wide units table. We re-released this data on 12/1 and updated the SDK to fix a few bugs and add some requested features (see the changelog here: GETTING STARTED — Allen SDK dev documentation). I suspect that the problem you’re having comes from a mismatch in the latest metadata unit table and the local nwb files you have in your cache. If I create a new environment with allensdk 2.16.2, and make a fresh cache with the latest manifest (visual-behavior-neuropixels_project_manifest_v0.5.0.json), the two tables correspond as expected (see below):

units = cache.get_unit_table()
session_id = 1128719842
session = cache.get_ecephys_session(ecephys_session_id = session_id)
session_units = session.get_units(filter_by_validity=True)
assert(len(units.loc[session_units.index.values]) == len(session_units))

For that last assertion, both sides of the equality return a dataframe of length 1476.

Can you try making a fresh cache with the latest sdk and see if that resolves the problem (note that this will require re-downloading the nwb file)?


Hi Corbett,

Thank you for the response. It turned out that I hadn’t fully downloaded the units.csv file. On deleting it and re-downloading it with

cache = VisualBehaviorNeuropixelsProjectCache.from_s3_cache(

the problem was fixed. Thanks again for clearing this up!

Kind regards,