Using the brain map for teaching

My name is Ron. I am teaching SLP undergraduate students. I’ve just found this amazing website and I really want to use it as a teaching tool. I will have 2 lessons on Neurology this coming weeks and I was wondering if anyone have some tips for how to use this brain map as a teaching tool. I want to focus on anatomy and on conectivity (mainly of language).
Thank you!

Hi Ron! Please come check out the resources and trainings offered by our Education and Engagement Program here, which include ready to use curriculum units, workshops for educators, and more. We don’t study language here at the Allen Institute so none of our materials focus on that, but we do have units on both anatomy and connectivity that you could adapt to include a focus on language. You can get in touch with us using the contact form at the bottom of that page or by emailing us at education at alleninstitute dot org.