Hi Allen Community,
I am hoping to use an example data set I found on the Neurodata Without Borders website (https://www.nwb.org/example-datasets/). More specifically, the Institute uploaded some pre-release data (http://download.alleninstitute.org/informatics-archive/prerelease/) of which I am interested in the behavioral sets (e.g.: behavior_ophys_session_775614751.nwb). I cannot find any description of what exact behavior is recorded here (go-no-go?, 2AFC?, spontaneous viewing?), what are the stimulus / reward conditions, and what do the different sessions cover (learning in the same mouse or different animals?).
I would be very grateful for some detailed description of these experiments. The example data set would be used to develop methodologies for understanding trial-to-trial variability in neuronal responses during behavior.
Many thanks