Brain is a Codon Processing Unit that wirelessly processes the Seed's genetics

Neuroscientists all around the world are not on right track of understanding the human brain. Just as CPU of the computer processes the OS software codes written on the Chip/HDD, in the same way human brain processes the genetic codes written on the DNA/RNA of the seeds.

Compared to a tree, the anatomy of the body in the evolution of life from trees to creatures and creatures to humans has been reversed gradually. As shown in below pic, functioning of the human brain is just similar to the functioning of the stem of the tree. Just as stem of the tree processes the genetic codes written on the seed, in the same way human brain processes the genetic code written on the DNA/RNA of the seeds.

With this reversal, the anatomy of the body can be understood easily. Roots of the tree gradually transform into input sense organs (Eyes, Ears, Tongue, Nose and Skin) of the creatures and human beings. Similarly branches of the tree gradually transform into work organs (Hand, Leg, Speech, Genital and Anus). And the stem of the tree gradually transforms into the brains of the creatures and human beings. In this way the anatomy of the brain is just similar to the stem of the tree. Just as the stem processes seed’s DNA wirelessly in the tree, similarly the brain processes seed’s DNA wirelessly in the body.

In this transformation from stem to the brain, the working capability also got improved. Tree’s stem capability works through fixed contact with the roots. Creature’s brain capability works through movable contact of the work organs. Human’s brain capability works through wireless contact of the sense organs and the brain itself through plexus. Mind (mRNA) status in zygote also got improved from Read-Only for trees, Write-Once for creatures and Read-Write for human beings.