Brain Knowledge Platform now with dedicated landing page and program pages

BKP Landing page

The Brain Knowledge Platform (BKP) receives dedicated landing page available at

It features an introduction to the BKP’s goals and enables scientists to get an overview of the available data via a data dashboard. The dashboard is interactive and allows scientists to click through to pre-filtered search results in BKP’s Data Catalog, e.g. a search filtered to the 97 projects where the species is mouse.

It further highlights choice BKP tools for visual and computational data analysis as well as data browsing. The same is true for scientific choice projects & data collections that are well integrated with BKP tools. Click on the EXPLORE and LEARN MORE links to access them.


Lastly it cross-references the new dedicated program pages in the BKP’s Data Catalog

Program pages

Large scientific consortia, e.g. NIH’s BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN) or BRAIN Initiative® Cell Atlas Network (BICAN), are distributed across many contributing organizations and generate a lot of important data.

The program pages in the BKP’s Data Catalog enable scientists to get an overview of these consortia and their available data at a glance. Example include BICAN and BICCN program pages.

They feature a short text introduction to the program:

An interactive dashboard summarizing the available data. It allows scientists to access all projects from a given project in the BKP’s Data Catalog, e.g. 104 BICCN projects.

They can also click through to more granular search results, e.g. a search filtered to the 64 BICCN projects where the species is mouse.

Featured projects further highlight choice resources:

They feature core project metadata as well as preview indicators of data and resources associated with a given project:

Lastly, they include references to various related resources. These include landing pages, tools, protocols, data archives, and more.