The Allen Brain Map includes comprehensive data related to gene expression and anatomy across the mammalian brain. Accompanying the quantitative data for tissue- and cell-specific gene expression by mRNA detection, qualitative immunohistochemistry and histological stain data is also available. These assays provider richer context for anatomical analysis – and often they are really beautiful!
Some example data featuring histology is linked below. At this time, we do not have plans to add any additional histological data to existing resources that are part of the Allen Brain Reference Atlases, or to these datasets, but we are considering how to incorporate histology into future work:
- Allen Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas
- Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
- Allen Mouse Spinal Cord Atlas
- NIH Blueprint: Non-human Primate Atlas
- Aging, Dementia & TBI Study
- BrainSpan Atlas of the Developing Human Brain
Other researchers have created excellent online resources for histological analysis of the brain. We can’t provide a comprehensive list here, but encourage you to add your favorites in the comments section.
- Chemoarchitectonic Atlas of the Mouse Thalamus as a BNDU Open Resource (CHAMBER, by Nakamura, et al., MRC Brain Network Dynamics, University of Oxford)
- The Human Protein Atlas: Brain
- Brain Maps: interactive, multiresolution annotated atlases with serial sections from numerous mammalian brains
- Online open access examples of histological stains in human brain include Ding, et al., and new optically cleared methods by Lai, et al., and Hildebrand, et al.
- Methods: HistologyGuide and an aggregator site for technical information
For our future projects, we are interested in learning about the research community’s interest in histology. How useful are non-quantitative histological images to your work? Do you have suggestions for data that you think would be really helpful for your work? Leave a comment!