Is the Connectivity lines Information directly measured, or computed from density information?

Are the lines Information directly measured, or computed from density information?

For example, in the below code, we can download the lines information around the coordinate (4400, 3300, 5600). Are the lines directly measured from the brain (if yes, how)?

Or there is an algorithm to compute the lines by using the density information? Therefore, we obtain the density information first (i.e., and then do some differences comparison at the voxels nearby (4400, 3300, 5600)?


import json
import urllib.request

LINES_FMT = "[seed_point$eq%d,%d,%d][section_data_set$eq%d]"

injection_data_set_id = 156394513

x = 4400
y = 3300
z = 5600

url = LINES_FMT % (x, y, z, injection_data_set_id)

connection = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
response_text =
response = json.loads(response_text)


Hi @orio

The streamlines data returned by the mouse_connectivity_target_spatial service is computed from the density of measured signal in the brain. A fast marching algorithm is used as described in the “Grid Visualization” section of the “Informatics Data Processing” document that is available in the Connectivity Atlas documentation

Best regards,

Thanks for your reply. And from the documentation, I noted that the Fast Marching algorithm is used.