MapMyCells Update Notes - February 15, 2024

MapMyCells has been updated with new features and improvements!

File size limit increase
Users may now upload files as large as 2GB (previously 500MB.) For logged-in users, the file storage limit has been increased from 5GB to 40GB.

Email notifications
Public users can now opt in to receive email notifications when their mapping is complete.

Checking the box will initiate a pop-up to enter an email address where the notification will be sent. If the mapping is successful, the notification email will contain a link to download the completed mapping results file. If the mapping is unsuccessful, the email will contain a link to access log files for troubleshooting. These links will remain active for 24 hours.

Note: We will never share your email with third-parties.

In addition, for logged-in users, the results email now includes more detailed information about your mappings.

For a complete user guide documentation see the MapMyCells User Guide.

As always, thank you for being part of the AIBS community. Please let us know how we can improve MapMyCells to better serve your needs.

Thanks for the update!

However, when trying to upload a file of about 2GB (2 minutes ago), the interface returns a file size limit error. Can this be resolved?

Hi @tadeoye,

Thank you for reporting this issue. We are looking into possible causes now, and I may follow up directly if we need more information to identify the problem. In the meantime, please let us know if you continue to experience difficulties uploading larger files.

Elysha Fiabane
Product Manager, MapMyCells