The ABC Atlas has been updated with new data!
To accompany the recently published paper, Brain-wide cell-type-specific transcriptomic signatures of healthy ageing in mice, this ABC Atlas update adds a comprehensive single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) dataset containing 1.2 million high-quality single-cell transcriptomes of brain cells from aged (18mo) and young adult (2mo) mice of both sexes, from regions spanning the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
The Cellular and Molecular Characterization of the Aged Mouse Brain project seeks to create a foundational reference for the transcriptional and epigenomic changes that occur in the brain with normal aging. Single cell gene expression and chromatin accessibility measurements survey neuronal and non-neuronal cell classes/types across the entire mouse brain to reveal areas and cell types that are more susceptible to aging than others.
Explore this data now in the ABC Atlas!
Check out our GitHub resources to learn more. You can find downloads and more details describing the data here and a tutorial notebook showing examples on interacting with the data here.
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