Transformation of degrees of visual angle to pixels

Dear Saskia,
Sorry about the long delay - I was focusing on other aspects of my data analysis in between. Thank you for the link to the code - it pointed me towards some useful functions, but I think it’s not quite what I need. I’m struggling with the following issues:

  • I’m analyzing the Neuropixels dataset, which doesn’t have sparse noise, as far as I’m aware, but uses Gabor patches to map RFs. So far, I couldn’t find any function to map the Gabor patch positions to the screen - especially since they are given in degrees visual angle in the warped coordinate system (as per this answer: Gabor patch data - units).
  • The Gabor patch positions go from -40:40 in azimuth and elevations, but the estimated RF azimuths go from 10:90, and the elevations from -30:50. Could you clarify for me how those two relate to each other?