I am using the Neuropixel data, and analyzing the Gabor patch presentations. The technical white paper says that the 20 degree patches were presented in a 9 x 9 grid, and indeed the x_pos and y_pos for these stimuli range from -40 to +40 in jumps of 10. But I am wondering what are the units of these? Are x and y pos in degrees or cm? Also how do they relate to the screen co-ordinates provided by gaze mapping? For example if at some point, Gabor patch was presented at (-10,20) and the “filtered_gaze_mapping” data, in screen_coordinates_spherical also recorded (-10,20) would that mean that the animal looked directly at the Gabor patch?
Thanks for your help and also to make all this interesting data available to everyone !
Hi Chinmay! The units for both the Gabors and the gaze direction are in degrees relative to the center of the screen.
Thank you so much for your prompt reply !
I had 1 follow up question - the Gaze mapping data has 2 fields for screen coordinates, either screen_coordinates and screen_coordinates_spherical. My understanding is that the latter one is after applying the spherical warping? If yes, which of these is directly comparable to the Gabor patch x_pos and y_pos?
Thanks again,
Hi! Sorry for the delay in responding to the follow-up. The Gabor patch locations are relative to the warped (spherical) coordinates.
Hi Josh, thanks for your reply. Sorry to bother you again, but we are hoping to use the eye tracking data from this repository for some behavioral controls/estimation, so I wanted to confirm that the Eye movements cover a smaller region of screen, than Gabor patches. So as seen in the image below, the gaze on screen is within 20-30 spherical degrees, along x as well as y whereas the Gabors cover ~80 degrees(40 on each side) of view, as designed. Further, is it correct that the Gaze position along x would correspond to horizontal eye movement, and along y correspond to vertical eye movement? Or is that flipped?
Thanks again,
Your plots are correct…the center of gaze for each mouse is typically confined to a very small region of the screen. And yes, x = horizontal, y = vertical.