ABC Atlas Update Notes - July 23, 2024

The ABC Atlas has been updated with new features and improvements!

Hover Syncing Across Data Sets
With this release we introduce “hover sync,” a new feature that allows you to quickly see and compare cell property values which are shared across data sets.

When hovering over a cell in addition to the cell property displayed in the tool tip, other cells in the view temporarily increase in size to show where else that value occurs. If other views are open with cells that share that value, those cells will also temporarily increase in size.

For example, when viewing the Zeng and Zhuang whole mouse brain data sets side by side and coloring by cell type in both views, hovering over a cell type in one view will highlight the same value in the other view.

This same cross-view highlighting can also be achieved by hovering over a value in the cell properties left tool bar.

As always, thank you for being part of the AIBS community. Please let us know how we can improve the ABC Atlas to better serve your needs.

For complete user guide documentation see the ABC Atlas User Guide.

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