ABC Atlas User Guide: Visualization Frames

Visualization Frame

The ABC Atlas allows you to view up to four visualizations at the same time. When viewing multiple visualizations, the active frame is indicated by a bold outline. Only the active frame will be affected by selections made in the Control Panel.


Dataset & cell count - The currently selected dataset and the total number of cells included in your current filters is displayed in the upper left of the active frame.


Duplicate View - in the top right of the selected view, clicking the third icon from the left will create a new view with the same colors, filters, pan, and zoom settings as the active view


Download image - This creates a high-resolution PNG image of the selected view and initiates the download through your browser.


Trashcan - Click the trash can icon in the upper right of the active frame to remove it from your layout.


Zoom & Pan View Syncing

Zoom & Pan Syncing creates spatial sync groups between views of the same data set, allowing you to control two or more views at once. When syncing is enabled, as you zoom in or move the “camera” in one view, synced views will follow, maintaining the same position. Syncing does not affect selected filters or colors so that you can compare different features in each view.

  • To initiate Zoom and Pan Syncing click the link icon in the top right of the selected view. Note: If syncing is enabled in only one view, this will not change the behavior of the selected view.
  • Click the link icon in a second view of the same data to link the two views. Now any change made to the zoom or pan state in one view will also be reflected in the other view. Enabling syncing for additional views of the same data will add them to the original sync group.
    Note: Only one sync group per data set is supported.
  • Click the link icon again to remove a view from the sync group and allow the camera for that view to be controlled independently.


Tip: Enable syncing and duplicate a view to automatically sync the new view to the original

Tool tips
While in Zoom and Pan mode, hovering your mouse over a cell will display details of the cell’s color. For example, if your visualization is colored by Class, hovering over a cell will show which class the cell belongs to. If multiple cells overlap, the most common cell in the area will be shown.


See Introducing the Allen Brain Cell Atlas! for an overview of the tool.

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