where can i access he brain surface that used in human brain atlas.
i want to know which method used for projection the gene expression onto the surface and the parcellation that used in brain explorer for gene expression of human brain?
is there any gifti file for human brain surface?
i like to know that can i use allen brain atlas with human connectome project data?
Hello @yamin . Sorry for the long delay in replying. I don’t know that we will be able to answer your question fully because the people with the most expertise in this have left the Institute since this project was completed.
where can i access he brain surface that used in human brain atlas.
We have not officially released these files. However if you have viewed the Human Atlas data in the Brain Explorer 2 program, that means that you have downloaded them somewhere on your computer. On my Windows 10 system, the files are in C:\Users\<myusername>\AppData\Local\Allen Institute\Brain Explorer 2\Atlases\Allen Human Brain Atlas\Spaces
The files are .msh and .amsh format, but we are unable to provide any more information on this format.
i want to know which method used for projection the gene expression onto the surface and the parcellation that used in brain explorer for gene expression of human brain?
Some details on the method of how we map the dissection to the MRI then to MNI space can be found here
- An anatomically comprehensive atlas of the adult human brain transcriptome - PMC
- Supplemental Methods 1
- Anatomic Mapping and Visualization
is there any gifti file for human brain surface?
No, the files are not available in GIFTI format.
i like to know that can i use allen brain atlas with human connectome project data?
The Human Connectome Project has made some tools to connect up Allen Human Brain data. A good starting point would be https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fninf.2011.00004/full and reach out to that research community.