I am looking for single-cell expression data specifically in intergenic regions. However, I have been unable to find expression data for non-coding regions. Does such data exist? If not, are there .bigwig files or similar resources available that would allow me to generate this data myself?
For Human and NHP data, the BRAIN Initiative Cell Atlas Network (BICAN) continually releases 10x Multiome data here. You can filter to relevant data or just download the full file manifest. Right now, those data are still in FASTQ format. BICAN plans to start releasing processed files, including .bigwigs or equivalent, later this year.
There is also a general repository of epigenomic data at the NeMO archive, with whom we work closely. Here’s an example search to narrow down.
We’re open to feedback on how to make epigenomic data available in more and more useful ways, so please let us know if these^ resources are helpful or you need something else.