Visualize 2-photon data as a video

How can I watch the 2-photon recordings as a video? I ran the colab script but it shows" an average image from the movie recorded during an imaging session." This is not satisfying as I want to watch the entire 5-minute movie for different sessions. What is the easiest way to do that?

Hi, Which dataset are you seeking to view the 2-photon videos for? Visual Coding 2P or Visual Behavior 2P?

There is not currently a way to view the movies via the AllenSDK, but we may be able to provide a link to an AWS location with the full movie files, depending on which dataset you are interested in.


Either one would work! I am working to explore the capabilities of two-photon microscopy. If you could provide the instructions to view the videos, that would be great!

Thank you!

Is there anyone who can help me view the two photom microscopy videos? I still have been waiting for a response.

Thank you.

There are instructions for accessing the raw movies in this tutorial. Specifically, look for the section called “3. (BONUS!) Accessing calcium movies.”