Genome sequence data is a powerful accompaniment to any transcriptomic dataset. Due to regulatory guidelines, we are not always able to provide genomic data from human donors. Or, genomic data is available but access credentials may be required.
For the Allen Human Brain Atlas, we do not have genome sequence data available from any of the donors. Donor information is available in the Technical Documentation, in the “Case Qualification and Donor Profiles” whitepaper.
Genome-level data is available for the Ivy Glioblastoma Atlas Project (IvyGAP). Access to genome-level data is not available through the Allen Institute, and is managed by project collaborators at Swedish Hospital.
The BrainSpan Atlas of the Developing Human Brain has genomic and raw data available through NCBI’s dbGAP project portal.
We recognize that genomic sequence data is a valuable addition to transcriptomic datasets and we are working toward being able to provide more of this information with future projects. Learn more about the gene expression data we have available by exploring the Transcriptional Landscape of the Brain.