Incorrect link to human patch-seq cell metadata file (links to a mouse file instead)

On the following page, Multimodal Characterization of Individual Neurons, there is an incorrect link under the “GLUTAMATERGIC NEURON TYPES IN LAYER 2 AND LAYER 3 OF THE HUMAN CORTEX” section.

The incorrect link is associated with the “Download Cell Metadata” button – instead of linking to the human cell metadata file, the hyperlink is for the mouse cell metadata (filename: 11_patchseq_metadata_mouse.csv). It appears that the link was duplicated from the above section and not updated with the correct human cell metadata csv file.

Sorry for the delay in a response. I have a file to email you (while we work on fixing the link). I cannot send the file to you in this forum.
Will you please email me at susans
followed by @

I will then email you the file.

Thank you

Likewise, sorry for the late response. I will follow up by email. Thanks so much!