ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
in <cell line: 6>()
4 import warnings
5 from allensdk.api.queries.glif_api import GlifApi
----> 6 import glif_sdk.lims_utilities as lu
7 from allensdk.core.nwb_data_set import NwbDataSet
8 from allensdk.api.api import Api
It looks like “glif_sdk” is a directory with a few library files in it in the GLIF_Teeter_et_al_2018 repository, which contains figure generation code for that manuscript.
I think running that code in the same directory as the “glif_sdk” directory could find it; alternatively, you could add it to your Python path.
As a caveat, this is six year old code base that is not being updated (since it is related to figures from paper), so it is, for example, written in Python 2 and likely would require some updating to work with current versions of some of the packages it uses, etc.