V1 & ALM - SMART-SEQ (2018) download links broken

Hello, thank you for providing all of these great single cell RNA-seq datasets and explorers. I wanted to take a closer look at the V1 & ALM - SMART-SEQ (2018) data for V1, but the download links appear to be broken.

I can still get to the data through Cytospore and probably the Mouse Whole Cortex and Hippocampus SMART-seq dataset, but I wanted to let you know in case they can be fixed.

Hi Kyle,

The download links were http:// links (holdovers from years past) and it looks like browsers have gotten better at not downloading unsecured http:// links automatically (which is good!).

In any event, we’ve updated the page to secure downloads and those download links should work properly for you now. Please let us know if you continue to have any issues.


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