Questions about Chiari malformation, esp psychiatric manifestations of tonsillar ectopia/Chiari I malformation


I am looking to learn more about the possible psychiatric (not felt) symptoms of a Chiari I malformation. There is very little easily accessible information about this, but one thing I’ve observed is that people who seem to have psychiatric manifestations (e.g. the presentation of bipolar disorder) often do not have comorbid, classic physical symptoms. Any thoughts? Are you aware of researchers, neurologists or neurosurgeons who know how this malformation might manifest as psychiatric illness or other cognitive issues? Do you know of any experts in CM? If so, I’d like to try contacting them.

A physical therapist friend I am discussing this with has these additional questions:

  1. Severity of symptoms with Chiari is not actually correlative to the degree of extension beyond the foramen magnum. So what actually causes the symptoms? The pressure on the brain regions? Or the decrease in the flow of CSF?
  2. How do we measure either the pressure in that area or the CSF flow? Could CSF flow be measured using relatively non-invasive and inexpensive techniques, like doppler?
  3. Are there non-invasive treatments (physical therapy treatments, for example) that could decompress the area or improve CSF flow?
  4. Could epidural injections in the area (like those that are performed for herniated discs in the spine to relieve symptoms due to pressure on individual spinal nerves) potentially decompress the CM?
  5. Would a person with Chiari-related psychiatric problems respond well to psychiatric interventions, or would symptoms persist?

Thank you